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- The prices shown are indicative starting prices only. The actual price may vary depending on the car model, color, and specifications. Please refer to the detailed information for each car model and its equipped features from the table above.
- Please note that the standard features of the car don’t include optional accessories and styling kits. These may incur additional charges if the customer wishes to install them.
- The colors displayed in the images or advertisements above are for illustrative purposes only and may differ from the actual car color due to lighting conditions or variations in display devices.
- Please carefully read the instructions in the car manual and the manuals for any optional accessories before use to ensure safety and optimal performance.
- The company reserves the right to change the terms and conditions, prices, details, and specifications of any equipment or components without prior notice.
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- The prices shown are indicative starting prices only. The actual price may vary depending on the car model, color, and specifications. Please refer to the detailed information for each car model and its equipped features from the table above.
- Please note that the standard features of the car don’t include optional accessories and styling kits. These may incur additional charges if the customer wishes to install them.
- The colors displayed in the images or advertisements above are for illustrative purposes only and may differ from the actual car color due to lighting conditions or variations in display devices.
- Please carefully read the instructions in the car manual and the manuals for any optional accessories before use to ensure safety and optimal performance.
- The company reserves the right to change the terms and conditions, prices, details, and specifications of any equipment or components without prior notice.